Forthcoming TV and Film Projects

By Serita Stevens, and Lindy Ryan
Format: Book -SCRIPT
Genre: Sci Fi Historical/Modern Drama
Comps: Jurassic Park meets Dracula meets Twilight
Logline: The evil order of the Dragon wants Vlad Dracul III (Dracula) reanimated through DNA. Only one woman – a direct descendant of Dracul and a genetic scientist – heir to the prophecy that can destroy his curse – is seduced and kidnapped by the modern son of Dracul and must make a final choice to bring Vlad’s evil back to the earth or along with his son to save humanity.
By Serita Stevens
optioned by Legacy Pictures
Format: Book -SCRIPT
Genre: Med-legal crime character-driven drama series
Comps: Bones meets Ozark based on the book Forensic Nurse
Series Logline: After testifying about a crime, a forensic nurse goes with her daughter into witness protection in a small town where despite the fear of being found, she becomes enmeshed in the search for a killer as she deals with her hostile teen and her personal demons.